
Sports have always been around.  From the time we could run, push, pull, swim, jump, climb.  We make events out of the physical push we all have.  In our youth and into our maturity we keep connected as long as possible.  We encourage those around us, and get behind the success of the great athletes around us.  We cheer for our favorite teams, players and even travel to support them in their feats, fights and events.

Concealed Carry Brave Response Gun Holster  With the number of holsters already on the market I had a hard time believing that anyone could truly do anything unique but this holster proved me wrong. This month one of our instructors has finally made available to the public the Brave Response Holster.  See the Holster that Makes Concealing Better Here:

Shoe Carrier Clip: This has got to be one of the best inventions you haven’t seen and will wish you had 25 years ago! This is the most practical way to carry your shoes outside of your bag. It is a secure way to bring your Cleats, Shoes, Boots, and so much more with you. Because its an incredible strap and clip device, your tools on your feet that get the grit and grime can be carried outside of your bag. You have to see these and get ready to add these to your life:


Sports on TV. We have the Premium Television Programming that allows you access to 24 hours Sports. It is FREE to get, and as incredible as it sounds, the more you Watch, the more you GET PAID. Literally turn your Sports on TV into Earnings. Start Earning as you Watch Sports (and all other Premium Television) Here:

Sports Teams Clothing for Women: This is the solution for Women Sports Fans all over the Planet. This is Licensed Activewear and unlicensed Leisurewear alike. Support your team, or just find some incredible looking Sports Activewear, Leisurewear from this Incredible Find. See the Clothing Here:

Survival Gear: This is not just a sport but its a way to be safe and secure should you need emergency resources. There is a lot of things behind this incredible find. Be sure to go here and check it out. And be sure to get in on the Give-Aways that are going on. UTVs, Trucks, Crazy-Awesome Gear and so much more. This is more fun than survival preparedness should be and we have it all for you here. See the best in Survival Gear here:


The Football Game is Here: This is the most amazing way to enjoy the outdoors around the Game of Football ever. This incredible find will have you and your family enjoying time and fun together like never before. We are talking the game of football in a way that can be played by ages 3 to 103. See this incredible find of The Football Game here:

We are proud of the finds we have discovered in this Category. We will be adding more to it as we grow and develop it further. Keep on checking back and be sure to see all the other things we have in store for you here. Consider this your community site and know we are finding the best of things all the time.

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The victory of the underdog over the favored team. The last minute penalty shot that wins the tournament. The high-energy training montages. Many people love to glorify victory on the playing field, cheer for favorite teams, and play sports.

But here’s a question: Should we be so obsessed with sports? Is playing sports actually as good for us as we make it out to be, or just a fun and entertaining pastime? What does science have to say? First of all, it’s well accepted that exercise is good for our bodies and minds, and that’s definitely true.

Exercising, especially when we’re young, has all sorts of health benefits, like strengthening our bones, clearing out bad cholesterol from our arteries, and decreasing the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Our brains also release a number of chemicals when we workout, including endorphins. These natural hormones, which control pain and pleasure responses in the cental nervous system, can lead to feelings of euphoria, or, what’s often called, a runner’s high.

Increased endorphins and consistent physical activity in general can sharpen your focus and improve your mood and memory. So does that mean we get just as much benefit going to the gym five days a week as we would joining a team and competing? Well, here’s where it gets interesting: because it turns out that if you can find a sport and a team you like, studies show that there are all sorts of benefits that go beyond the physical and mental benefits of exercise alone.

Some of the most significant are psychological benefits, both in the short and long term. Some of those come from the communal experience of being on a team, for instance, learning to trust and depend on others, to accept help, to give help, and to work together towards a common goal.

In addition, commitment to a team and doing something fun can also make it easier to establish a regular habit of exercise. School sport participation has also been shown to reduce the risk of suffering from depression for up to four years.

Meanwhile, your self-esteem and confidence can get a big boost. There are a few reasons for that. One is found in training. Just by working and working at skills, especially with a good coach, you reinforce a growth mindset within yourself.

That’s when you say, “Even if I can’t do something today, I can improve myself through practice and achieve it eventually.” That mindset is useful in all walks of life. And then there’s learning through failure, one of the most transformative, long-term benefits of playing sports.

The experience of coming to terms with defeat can build the resilience and self-awareness necessary to manage academic, social, and physical hurdles. So even if your team isn’t winning all the time, or at all, there’s a real benefit to your experience.

Now, not everyone will enjoy every sport. Perhaps one team is too competitive, or not competitive enough. It can also take time to find a sport that plays to your strengths. That’s completely okay. But if you spend some time looking, you’ll be able to find a sport that fits your individual needs, and if you do, there are so many benefits.

You’ll be a part of a supportive community, you’ll be building your confidence, you’ll be exercising your body, and you’ll be nurturing your mind, not to mention having fun.

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