Bio Hacking For Weight Loss

Want to lose weight and keep it off for good? Nutritionists and dieticians all say you need a sustainable plan – one that takes into account your body type and your lifestyle. Here are 8 tips you can follow to help you on your weight loss journey.

CULTURAL PLAN Your diet should be modified keeping in mind the food you’ve been brought up on. If you are used to rice and wheat as a staple, cutting it out completely may not be sustainable. GET RID OF RESTRICTION: There have to be allowances for favourite foods and treats in order to avoid binges.

KEEP AN EYE ON EXERCISE: It’s just as important as what you eat. Physical activity of 150 minutes a week is recommended. GO WHOLE GRAIN: Choose whole grains and food that contain fibers, this will fill you up quickly and ensure you are fuller for longer.

PORTION PROPERLY: Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Old clichés work! GO TO BED: Sleep well, or you’ll end up craving larger meals. COOKING: Use healthy ways of cooking such as grilling, boiling and steaming.

Avoid frying. RAINBOW ON A PLATE: Eat from different food groups (grains, proteins, vegetables, fruits, and dairy ) so you get a range of micronutrients. Try the ‘My Plate’ method published by USDA’s Center to get the portion sizes right.

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We have discovered this incredible Gel that is Bio Hacking for Weight Loss and so much more. We are running with is as an Opportunity and enjoying it on a personal level to impressive results. You are absolutely going to love it.

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When my Husband was given access to this product I was skeptical. It sounded like pills and potions, snake oil and just another play on words. I mean, “Bio Hacking” sounds like a Science Made-Up Word for a fancy Vitamin.

Yeah, I want to lose weight, but I was also struggling with Sleep. I could get to sleep, eventually, but would wake up every 2 hours. And then struggle to get back to sleep. Usually falling asleep an hour before I needed to get up and going for the day.

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