Today we’re calling everything out. Don’t get us wrong, we’ve learned a lot from self-help books   and have been inspired by some incredible people, but there are some things nobody can teach you… not even us.

  And then… Well, let’s say there are some things these gurus DON’T WANT TO TELL YOU. We plan on fixing that today.  If we deliver on this promise,   we encourage you to subscribe to our  channel or at least like the video.

Let’s get to it. Here are 15 things  self-help gurus and books won’t teach you: Number 1: How to tell when  someone is bullshitting you  Why would they tell you that when  they’re most likely the ones doing it.

Life isn’t as complicated as many would like  you to make you believe it to be. They hide behind fancy words, technical mumbo-jumbo that could be explained in easier terms. That’s one of the reasons we believe  you guys like what we do so much.

Your BS radar should evolve as you grow. You learn from experience. A good rule of thumb is: Rather find out than not know at all! Same way you learn as a child to not put your hand over fire, that’s how your BS meter becomes more complex.

   Always look for the hidden motive and  who has more to win from what’s about to happen. Number 2: Cutting expenses won’t make you rich Have you noticed that every old literature   in the realm of self-help preaches you  saving pennies and not buying that latte,   putting it all in the stock market and waiting 40 years in order for you to find financial freedom? This might be the most boring way to get there,  not to mention that it used to work under a very   specific set of circumstances, circumstances  under which we no longer find ourselves today.

Saving money is for losers! Every time you save more by  cutting expenses 2 things happen:  1. Your life becomes more miserable – for obvious reasons & 2. You are putting your faith in cash – that’s like holding an ice-cube in your hand and expecting it to last you until retirement.

Every government around the world  is printing cash like crazy,   effectively robbing you of the wealth you  delusionally are putting in the Nike shoe box. Rich people get rich by increasing their  income and then investing the excess capital! Number 3: Incompetent people can earn  a lot of money if they aren’t insecure  This is one of those truths most  people don’t want to believe.

We live in a society that rewards those willing  to step through the door. More often than not,   the more qualified individuals are so insecure  that they are not willing to take the risk.  That’s why your boss is paid more money than  you and is doing less work than you are.

We all want to speculate on  people who are in control.   If these aren’t around, we might as well bet  on those who are willing to give it a go. In order to have a chance at winning the game, one should be at least playing the game! There are plenty of competent people  that will never be successful in life   because they’re too insecure to play the game.

Number 4: To realise you’re good enough to start  Gurus make their money by selling you unnecessary  tools that they make you believe you need in order to start.   That’s why you think you need  expensive equipment to start anything.

The truth is you have more than enough to  start but you’re just too scared of failure. We are strong believers in taking the leap.   The saying is: Jump and build the parachute  as you’re falling towards the ground.

We also hate the parachute metaphor, because  if you do that in real life you’ll die.   Business, health, anything based on progress  isn’t the same as with the parachute. Everytime you try you get better.

If you’re  consistent at practice and learning new things   about your craft it’s just a matter of time  until you get good at it and people notice. Start now! Whatever it is you want to do.   In 12 months you’ll get to a point where  you’re no longer embarrassed about your work.

Number 5: Things aren’t as  complicated as they make it seem  We touched about this a bit  earlier, but it’s the truth. Everyone wants to coin a new term, to  be part of history, to somehow achieve   relevance by crafting something new and tying  their legacy to it, even if it’s just fugazi.

People associate sounding smart with  fancy words that they barely understand.   “Ohh.. this person uses big words that I  don’t know so he must be smarter than me” Everyone wants to sell you a  solution in 3, 5,10 easy steps,   when in reality they’re  just selling you the dream.

There’s some truth to the saying:  The only way to get rich from a  self-help book is to write one. When self-help gets too complicated, it becomes just a different form of entertainment. You lie to yourself that  you’re learning something,   but in reality you’re just wasting time.

Number 6: You’re actually searching for  what you already know you should be doing  Everyone knows exactly what they should be doing.   You really do! Take a moment to think  about what’s the 1 thing that if you   did by the end of the day your life would  improve ever so slightly… then do that! We all know where we need to focus our time and  effort, but we don’t want to do the hard things,   so we procrastinate by thinking we’re  making a different kind of progress.

George Carlin said it best: If you’re looking for self-help,   why would you read a book by someone else? It’s about self… it’s about you  helping yourself to be better. You know what you have to do  and you even know how to do it.

   It’s just a matter of calling yourself  out on the bullshit you tell yourself. Number 7: You can be late to  a party and still get cake  The media praises the innovators, the explorers,  the ones who are first in the comment section.

.  We praise them as well, but being the number 1  is a zero sum game. There can only be 1 number 1. There’s this belief that unless you’re the  absolute best you will end up miserable.   Life isn’t a competitive sport in the  sense that only the top 3 get a trophy.

Life is about you! Your life is  about what you do and expect from it. Even if you’re late to the party,   as long as you’re in the room you  can still get your piece of cake. You don’t have to be the  smartest person in the room,   you don’t have to be the loudest person in  the room, you just have to be in the room.

As long as you remember this one incredibly  valuable lesson, you will do alright in life. Number 8: How to go with your gut We are instinct-based creatures. Sometimes things don’t feel right.. Or the exact opposite, you feel like this is it, the moment you were waiting for.

Nobody can teach you how to go with your gut. You have to train yourself by making  as many decisions as possible. In time you develop mental models and you end up  making choices quickly because they “feel” right.

Gut feelings are just your  wisdom manifesting itself! Number 9: Charisma & Being Liked by  others is one of the highest value skills  We’re super shocked that nobody is talking about just how important Charisma is.

In a social world, charisma and the ability to make yourself liked by those around you is a massive super power. It’s one of those competitive  advantages that allow you to   multiply the rewards you receive in life  without increasing the amount of effort.

Charisma is a magic spell that  gets people to pay attention!  And we’re living in an attention based economy. Number 10: How to figure out what your life needs Nobody can teach you “How to win at your game”   because you’re the only want playing you as a  character Stop expecting other people to tell  you where your life needs to go,   what to measure your success by and so on.

. Instead of looking outwards, look inwards…  look in yourself for those answers. You know damn well what you want from life… and if you don’t already,   just try a bunch of things until  some of them start to feel right.

You don’t need to read the Alchemist  20 times to get to this conclusion. Play the hand that you’ve been dealt, make the  most out of it because as far as anyone knows,   this is the only life you’re  getting, everything else is belief.

   If that belief turns out to be true.. Good for you, but why would you even take that chance?! Number 11: How to not give up  The biggest differentiator  between success and failure   is that those who end up successful didn’t give up  when everyone else did.

That’s all there is to it. If you’re headed in the right  direction and you keep at it,   learning, practicing, making  progress, it’s just a matter   of keep putting one foot in front of the  other until you get to your destination.

The problem is, you feel it’s hard and progress  is slow. You feel demoralized and you need   people to pump you up, to keep you motivated.  That’s one of the reasons you’re here today! In reality all you need to remember is  why you started! If this is the life you   chose for yourself, how are you willing to  quit this early? Why would you quit after 1 year.

.    2 years.. 3 years or more?!  Isn’t this what you wanted? Isn’t this going to take you where you NEED to go if you just keep pushing at it? Number 12: How to see where the puck is going Every self-help book or guru talks in retrospect.

   That’s basically our main problem with everyone  telling you the tactics of getting rich. What worked for them won’t work for you!  They’re giving you last week’s lottery numbers. The only way to talk about anything  is in terms of the fundamentals.

   That’s what we’ve always tried to do here at ALUX. The one who masters the fundamentals, masters the future! For in the future, only the  fundamentals remain the same! Once you have your fundamentals covered it’s  up to you to see the world as what it could be,   not for what it is.

The people who win are those who close this  very specific gap. They make it their mission   to alter reality in a way where the present  changes to fit their vision of the future. Nobody can teach you how to look into your  future, you’re the only one who can do it! Number 13: How to have and develop empathy At most, books can make you feel something…   – truth be told, self-help books  are some of the most emotionless   pieces of writing in existence – but they can’t teach you how to feel,   how to evolve your emotions, how to feel what other people are feeling.

And before you jump at it, yes, we’ve also  read Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence.. You might not realise this,   but the opposite of being angry isn’t  being calm.. It’s actually empathy.

As much as we’d like it to be that way,  you can’t learn how to be kind from a book.   You can get good at being empathic by  practicing it. That’s the only way to do it. Number 14: How to find your gift and exploit it We’re all super busy at being ourselves.

.   Why do you expect someone to know more  about who you are, how you grew up,   what your dreams are and what the future holds  for you… more than you do about yourself? You find your gift by testing yourself.

Try your  hand at many things before finding the things you   seem to be good at. What do you like to do in your free time? What do you take pleasure in doing?   If there was no monetary system in place, what would you LIKE to do for the rest of your life? Once you identify it, just look around  at people who do that thing for a living.

   You don’t need to pay anyone for this advice.  Here, take it for free and run with it. Find a way to reap the benefits  for your own talent and hard work. Here’s the thing: If you  don’t exploit your own gift,   someone will figure out a way  to exploit it for themselves! Number 15: How to make more money than  they made from selling you the book  Be careful of those who make their fortunes  by teaching others how to make money.

   We waited to become millionaires before giving  any form of financial advice and even to this day   our investments and technology company,  earns more for us than we do here on YouTube. A good rule of thumb for this is: If they wrote it to make money, don’t read it! Our goal is to give you everything they give you for free, no matter where you are in the world.

  Our mission is for this kind of real-talk financial advice to reach 1 billion people. Education is what allowed us to escape poverty and this   is our way of spreading that know-how  with everyone who has ears to listen.

By being here, by watching our video,  subscribing to this very channel,   you are contributing to that mission. We want all of you Aluxers to be rich and  develop your communities in the process,   because that’s what Aluxers do.

The money we make here on YouTube  pays for everything we’re building   and we can’t wait to let you know what we’ve  been secretly working on behind the scenes. With a title like this, it’s fair  to ask the following question:   What is something you’ve learned for  yourself that you didn’t find in a book?  We know how smart you guys are  and can’t wait to see what kind of   gems you’ll share with the community! As for those of you who to this day still  watch these videos until the very end,   we tip our proverbial hats to you.

  Here’s your well deserved bonus: BONUS: Beware of Action Faking Action faking is when you   believe you are being productive  without actually moving forward. Writing down your goals for the year every  single day doesn’t do anything towards   getting you to put in the  work to make them happen.

The term “HUSTLE” has become  a synonym for being busy! No you’re not hustling, you’re just  wasting time pretending you are busy. There are plenty of people who are  busy who don’t get anything done.

   The goal is to make progress not to seem  like you’re making progress to everyone else. It doesn’t matter how many motivational  quotes you double tap on instagram   if after that you get back to watching Netflix.

Action Faking is the hamster  wheel of the self-help industry,   where all you do is consume energy while  remaining in the same place you started. Instead of it, take a lot of time to reflect  on the things that do make a different   and be brutally honest with yourself on what needs to happen.

Then dig deep in yourself and get that brain of yours to convince the body to go through the motions. If you’ve made it to the very end of this piece,   please write AF in your comment so that we know  that you now understand what Action Faking is.


Self Help is something we should all be working on consistently and always.  Growing is part of who we are.  Mentally, ;emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Because we are all about becoming the best person we can be; it should be an everyday focus, goal and achievement.  As we continue to build our better “us” we will list and share finds online that help with doing just that. As a result we can better ourselves day by day.

How to learn a new language by yourself at home is here! We have been really looking for a way that works for learning a new language, and we have found it. It by and far something we never thought was a true solution for learning a new language. It makes sense, and we are thrilled to have found it. The sooner you get started the better, see for yourself here:

Intimates and the 5 Best you may not know about: When we think about intimates we may only be aware of 1 or 2 things that relate. We have the 5 best, and these are sure to educate anyone in ways to gain more out of life. We only live once, and the better we live; well the better we live. Start a better life with this shared discovery of information about intimates here:

Make Money with Performance Blogging: Join the Millions of People already working from home and working online to make money with the power of the Information Superhighway. If you have not created a way to make money using the power of the Internet you need to see this. It has provided a way to connect, share, build, explore and create like nothing ever before. Performance Blogging not only creates a way to interact and be a part of the Internet, but provides a way to make money, and even create amazing lifestyles from it.  SEE WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR YOU IN LINK POST BLOGGING HERE

Performance Giving Network: We have found the most incredible Network ever. Self Help and gaining more as you help others is where this becomes the best of all things. This is something so special we are behind it solidly. Come be a part of sharing the Wealth with the People around the World. Because we are here to help others. All day and every day. Get connected and become a part of a Worldwide Solution Here:

Because we are seeing new things being added all the time; we get to add some incredible things here. Furthermore, the category of self help can be best shared through the book Marketing Is Freedom. Go here and access it. Use coupon code: freedom. This will give you the e-book for free. Our gift to you. As a result you can see where personal growth along with the right community can make things incredible. It is a wonderful planet, let’s enjoy it.

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