
7 Facts About Coffee You Probably Didn’t Know

Seven facts about coffee. You probably didn’t know Coffee is the world’s favorite hot drink, with an estimated 2.25 billion cups drink every day, globally. Voltaire drink up to 50 cups a day and lived until the age of 83.

So a coffee addiction isn’t too bad. After all, Bright side discovered seven reasons why you might want to get yourself. A cup of coffee right now. As a bonus you’ll find a simple recipe for a unique coffee cocktail.

Number one coffee boosts brain power. Coffee with sugar can turn you into a little genius for a while, because the combination of caffeine and glucose Activates certain sectors of your brain, the caffeine and coffee acts as a mild stimulant to the central nervous system.

This neuronal activity triggers the release of the adrenaline that will affect your body in several ways. Your heartbeat increases blood pressure, rises, breathing tubes, open up sugar is released into the bloodstream for extra energy Depending on the level of intake.

It can help improve attention and concentration. Remember that slump right after lunch, If you wish your boss would announce a little siesta time. Well, if you are not in Spain, caffeine can improve wakefulness during the post lunch dip.

. We know that working hours may be tough. Sometimes Coffee is effective in boosting brain performance. For those suffering from jet lag or shift work, sleep disorder., However, never drink coffee on an empty stomach.

Since that will do the direct opposite Effects of caffeine tend to be less pronounced in regular coffee drinkers. Two coffee increases blood pressure. You might want to keep off the coffee if you are going to have a blood pressure test within the next two days.

If you have high blood pressure, ask your doctor whether you should limit or stop drinking caffeinated beverages. On the other hand, hypertension or low blood pressure can be a serious and life-threatening problem.

If not treated. A tiny cup of coffee can battle a hypertensive episode, a situation where your blood pressure is too low. Add a cup of caffeinated beverage to each meal to raise your blood pressure. Three coffee makes your immune system stronger.

Coffee is known for its energy, boosting caffeine effect.. It’S an abundant source of nutrients and helpful chemicals that can aid your immune system. According to scientists from several countries, coffee reduces the risk of premature death.

. This is because coffee alters your immune system, making it stronger and healthier Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants and phenolic compounds that play a crucial role in cancer prevention.. It also improves your liver, heart and digestive system Still try to stick to natural freshly ground.

Coffee, instant coffee contains fewer nutrients and more chemical additives, and one more important fact for parkinson’s disease. Research suggests that, among other factors, the potential preventive effect may be due to caffeine, too.

Four coffee relieves a headache.. The caffeine can cure headaches and migraines People are aware that caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate, But may not know that. Caffeine is also contained in a variety of over-the-counter medications.

That’S why it’s an ingredient in a lot of traditional pain, relievers.. It can make them as much as 40 percent. More effective Caffeine increases the strength of the medication and how quickly it works So enjoy the stimulating and pain, relieving properties of caffeine in moderation.

Five coffee reduces stress Coffee acts well as an anti stress substance due to the release of dopamine and serotonin, which trigger a good mood. One cup, or even just the smell of coffee, can calm your nerves.

. This could explain the lower risk of depression among coffee drinkers. Drinking between two to four cups of coffee every day appears to reduce the risk of suicide in men and women by 50 %, **RammVapes Notes.

Where does it say that Also – and this is not a big deal – the girl looked at the camera for a second when she should’ve been looking at one direction***. Moreover, caffeine is one of the most common stimulators of the central nervous system, and it’s common stimulation is what keeps depression at bay.

Interestingly, only the caffeine contained in coffee has this effect, as opposed to the caffeine found in tea soda or chocolate, which does not stimulate the central nervous system as effectively Six coffee improves your memory.

Coffee can positively affect mood, enhance awareness and memory abilities.. The stimulators and neuro mediators obtained from coffee not only boost your mood and productivity, But also improve your memory.

. Of course, this only works with your short-term memory, but this is good enough, because all Information is initially stored in a short-term memory and only an hour later does it enter our long-term memory under particular circumstances At times when it gets a little too difficult to focus A coffee break will offer a welcome change of mind by enhancing Concentration and stimulating moods.

. All in all, coffee is an enjoyable drink that can help boost energy and increase the ability to learn and remember, Seven coffee helps you lose weight., Hey coffee lovers file this under best news ever Coffee can keep off and help you lose excess weight.

. It can temporarily suppress your appetite and may stimulate minimal calorie burning When the level of the hormone leptin is low. Your body starts storing fat and you gain weight.. Coffee, however, increases the hormone levels in your body.

. Now you know why coffee lovers take longer to gain weight and why exercise yields more results for them. Caffeine gives you an added boost at work or during exercise., And here’s our bonus, an amazing coffee cocktail recipe.

. If you’re looking for something sweet to pair your milk. This cocktail recipe is a must., It is deliciously, smooth and refreshing, and it’s bottled ready to take on the go.. Make your favorite coffee.

Let it cool off then fill an ice cube tray with the coffee place it in the freezer. on a hot day and the coffee cubes to a glass of milk. sip, a delicious mix and feel wonderful Share. The video with your friends to keep them caffeinated and hit the like button below the video The more likes we get, the more videos we make for you,


We have found the solution to our daily struggles with food and weight with this amazing coffee. NEW UPDATE!!! We added a Weightloss (Magic Pill) that goes with the Magic Coffee. It is called ThermoPerk. When you order your Coffee… be sure to add the ThermoPerk and watch the inches melt away.

Now, please pay attention, because I have literally found a way to have my cake and eat it too! And I wrote this to do the same for you and anyone else wanting to look and feel great, and who wants to “Live” with the Finer Foods, Fine Wines and the lifestyle that provides. And with this new found friend for your Mornings, you can eat the Finer Things without the worry or guilt of what it may do to your waistline.

coffee and wine
Do you know what makes a morning with Coffee even better?

Let this “Amazing” Morning Coffee help you to lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month!

I am probably a typical person when it comes to my eating habits, routines and lifestyle. Typical that is for a “Foodie”! YES!!! I am a lover of FINE THINGS… and I am very proud of my tastes for Food, Wines, and Chocolate. Now a great piece of Pie, or piece of Cheesecake – well that is hard to pass up as well. You will also notice that food tastes even Better. And while your portion control will naturally decrease, this coffee actually effects you to where you are not wanting to eat and eat for comfort.

Here is what I Want. We’ll call it “My Cake”.

We all want to wake up and be excited to get on with the Day. To be Alert and ready to make a difference. For me I want to focus daily on my goals. Financially, Spiritually, Physically, and Mentally.

I Want to be able to Impact the Lives of Others. To help them grow, and build, and to help them create Time, Financial, and overall Freedom.

I want to be able to Eat Fine Foods as I share quality time with others. To enjoy amazing cooking, and the art of Food. I am a huge lover of Wine. And not just any Wine, but Fine Wines. I have blessed and have enjoyed the years of being able to wind down with Wine. To end the day right; to reflect on what was accomplished and to spend time with my Spouse. We enjoy sharing the day, and the plans for the future. Even the future of tomorrow, next week, next month.

These are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake” (Before I found my Solution)

I would wake up, eager to face the day. Get the morning coffee going, get situated and going for the day. Pouring everything I could each and every day into making things better, brighter and fuller for everyone I can impact, touch with wisdom and influence to be the best them.

As I do this, I have often enjoyed great food, fine wines; and have been watching as I gain weight slowly and what seems steadily. I’m am even conscious of my health needs, replacing meals with nutritious and low calorie shakes. I trade bad choices for good choices, so in theory I could still enjoy all the Fine Foods and Fine Wine in the evenings, what I refer to as “celebrating the day”. Though it seems my body and I seem to be at odds; leaving me to constantly battle weight gain, weight Loss, in a battle.

I was constantly doing insane methods to lose 40-50 pounds at a time. These methods are not “Eating My Cake” and always require a lifestyle away from what I enjoy. So of course it’s never going to last, its not where I want to be, and so the battle continued.

This is not fun, and I know several people that suffer with it as I did. (DID – keep reading, because this struggle is over).

UNTIL… I found the solution. So I could have my cake, and  “Eat my Cake!” And the solution was as easy as changing nothing more than my morning JOE? Literally – that is all – didn’t change anything else!

And these are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake” (After I found my Solution)

coffee and wine

This is where coffee and wine comes into my life all the time now. Plus I am able to share this with those around me. It is a wonderful thing. I literally feel like I have found the “Unicorn” of weight management. Though I have no intention to keep it a secret and literally share it with anyone I can. We only live once right!

With our Coffee – AMAZING stuff that helps you FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT. And those pesky INCHES around the gut, thighs, butt. You will want to thank me forever, as I am already thanking the friend that share this with me. I am able to lose weight and keep it off without the stresses of crash diets, severe diet or restrictions. I really just drink 2 cups of great tasting coffee throughout the morning. It makes me feel great and gives me a lot of energy. This is proven weight loss Coffee!  Common sense applied, I Eat sensibly, and enjoy a great Dinner (with Wine) throughout the week. We also have our fun, and “splurges” with our weekly Date Nights. Plus, we get to look and feel great – all because of this Coffee!

  • No need to exercise!
  • No need to be on any Special Diets!
  • We do not need to measure out anything.
  • No need to change our lifestyles around this.
  • Be set with a Scientific Wonder that allows us to literally eat cake and lose weight!

Life is stressful enough.

The JOB, the Family, the bills… all of it. We do not deserve to suffer with our weight, and fat. We need a helping hand, and it is here in the form of Coffee that delivers us the methods to lose the weight. It literally melts away.

OH… if you need help with the bills… be sure to check out the Business Side of how we not only lose the weight, but lose the debt! Information available as you get set with your order of Coffee, and you will be able to reach out to me through registering – – – TO THE RIGHT OF THIS ARTICLE ======> to my email newsletter. You can reply straight to me, and we can discuss this further.